Luxury Home Advisor, Custom New Custruction Advisor
About Cher
Meet Cher Rhoades, a distinguished luxury advisor with over a decade of expertise, now licensed in both the Black Hills and Smoky Mountain areas. Cher is renowned for her unwavering dedication and extensive knowledge in real estate, fostering a stellar reputation for delivering exceptional service and achieving remarkable results for her clients. In addition to her impressive real estate background, Cher boasts a robust foundation in management and marketing. This diverse skill set enables her to offer clients a comprehensive range of services tailored to meet their individual needs and objectives. Whether you're navigating the purchase or sale of a luxury property, Cher's wealth of knowledge and expertise ensures a seamless and successful transaction. . Her commitment to delivering the highest level of service has cultivated a loyal clientele, and her results-driven approach consistently positions her as one of the top-performing agents in the area.