I began in Real Estate in 1989 as an Assistant to the Broker/Owner of the office. I learned the ups and downs of Real Estate over the next 5 years, and boy did I learn a lot! The best launching pad I could have ever had, has sent me into a life long career that I have enjoyed immensely. Here I am 31 years later still doing this ever changing job....the hardest job you will ever LOVE!
Yes, communication is the key, however, the issues are in the details. SO MANY details, but all the small things add up to the big issues, and we must address them all and pay attention to detail.
I am old school, I admit, but the long haul has made the job part of my DNA. I dream about Real Estate all the time! That is not so bad in and of itself; it does mean I think about it a lot!
Reading, Arts & Crafts, Fitness & Exercise, Food & Cooking
Bachelor's Degree, University of Tennessee
Psychology, 1973 - 1977