Julie began her real estate career in 1972 in Dallas, Texas, where she served on the Greater Dallas Board of REALTORS Arbitration Committee and was recognized as the Outstanding Young REALTOR. While in Dallas she opened The Aldridge Company, REALTORS, where she was a pioneer of the inner city redevelopment, serving as the Secretary of the East Dallas Design Committee for the preservation of Swiss Avenue, Lakewood, Hollywood, and Munger Place Additions, as well as the Preston Hollow area. In 1982 Julie and her husband, Terry Hagin returned to Abilene, where she became President of Frances McClure, Inc., a real estate company founded by her mother in 1970. Julie served as president of Francis McClure, Inc. until the summer of 2011 when Julie led the company in a joint venture with Keller Williams Inc. to establish a local Keller Williams franchise in Abilene. In 2018 Julie joined the Tonya Harbin team and in 2020 became the broker of Tonya Harbin Real Estate.