42 years as a REALTOR, I believe in a code of ethics where every person deserves a qualified real estate broker to speak with.
Education has and continues to be very important to me. This has set me apart from many of my peers. Every Broker must continue education. My standards far exceed those requirements.
Negotiating you purchase, explaining each section to your offer. Sellers' understanding your stress, moving, new profession or purchasing up the street. I understand. Having purchased and sold several homes. Being a homeowner, I know what we have and will go through during this sale.
Allow me to have you through all those curves and challenges during this time in your life.
Arts & Crafts, Community Activities, Entertaining, Family, Food & Cooking, Sports, Technology, Theatre, Travel, Volunteering
My priority is staying in contact with you. We are in a different real estate market. One that you may have never experienced.
Allow me to assure you, I have seen just about everything a sale or purchasing market has offered.
1031 Tax Exchange
Buyer Representative
First Time Buyers
Luxury Properties
New Construction
New Homes
Seller Representative
VA loans
Realtor of the Year, Past President Skagit County Realtor Association