I am Jim Mulleady and I am with Coldwell Banker Mulleady REALTORS. I grew up on a small resort in St. Germain and went to school in Sayner and Eagle River. I left the nest and went to UW Stout, graduated and was off to see the world! I worked in several states fo GE, MagneTek and Yaskawa in the industrial electronics field. I went on to grad school and received my MBA - Marketing from DePaul University. I returned home in 2001 and have been in real estate since then. I have helped hundreds of people buy and sell homes. My belief is that I do more than market homes. I try to help people achieve their goals. I try to help people by finding the resources (movers, cleaners, contractors) . I know the area very well and have served in a number of roles, Northland Pines School Board President, Eagle River City Council, Eagle River Water and Light Board Member, Eagle River Historical Society. I live on the Eagle River Chain and love to boat, sail. I also love to read and write.
Family, Nature, Reading, Travel, Writing
Graduate Degree, DePaul University
MBA, 1986 - 1988