5 Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Agents
Success isn't built overnight. To reach the next level of greatness in your real estate career, get 5 habits highly successful real estate agents swear by.
Understanding the ingredients that make up the secret sauce of a successful real estate agent can seem elusive. You may think they have it all figured out, they have a leg up somehow, or they’re just lucky.
But in truth, successful real estate agents have to use a lot of grit, hustle, and hard work to make their accomplishments happen and ensure their lasting success.
Unlock the Secret Habits of Highly Successful Real Estate Agents
Success isn’t built or attained overnight, and in an industry as competitive and ever-evolving as real estate, the definition of success is constantly changing. Some agents look at this as a challenge, while other agents view it as an opportunity to rise to the occasion.
With the use of self-discipline and consistent habits, real estate agents of all backgrounds and experience levels can reach the next level of greatness. To help you get started, get motivated, or simply get inspired, here are 5 habits highly successful real estate agents swear by.
#1. They’re Time Management Experts
Real estate agents know they have to keep a strict, dedicated schedule to make it all happen. The most successful real estate agents, however, have solid time management skills, dedicated time-blocking, and are ruthless with their calendars.
Because these agents make sure to devote chunks of their schedule to focus on and knock out key tasks, they can ensure they hit their goals and accomplish what’s needed in a timely manner. It also helps them have a clear view on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis, a helpful practice in a hectic, fast-paced industry.
By carving out dedicated time blocks, successful agents can focus on the task at hand, distraction-free, so they can get more time back to do more of what they love.
#2. They’re Setting Goals Constantly
In real estate, you never run out of goals to set, chase, and achieve.

There’s always homes to sell, buyers to help, vendors to work with, and the bar keeps rising in between. Successful real estate agents know that in order to improve, make meaningful career moves, and drive impact, they have to set goals to get there.
Goal-setting is like an instruction manual or map of how you’ll get from point A to point B (your goal). Top-performing agents also know goals can be as big or as small as you want them to be, and they also know no matter the size, it all adds up to success.
#3. They’re Always a Work in Progress
Like we said before, successful real estate agents are always seeking to raise their own bar.
Because of this, they never settle for “good enough”: they stay on top of the latest trends, best practices, and are always eager and willing to learn more. Whether it’s optimizing their marketing campaigns, refining their pitches and sales scripts, or making sure they’re pursuing education within real estate or other related areas, successful agents are always in the pursuit of learning more.
#4. They Keep Their People Skills on Point
The real estate industry is filled with opportunities to interact with a wide, diverse variety of personalities.

Successful agents don’t flinch when it comes to this; in fact, they embrace it with open arms. Top agents make sure to stay on top of networking regularly, maintaining an active presence with members of their community, practice their presentation skills, and work to strengthen their communication overall.
This all adds up to being a people-person, which makes them more relatable, approachable, and helps build trust in clients — a must for any aspect of real estate.
#5. They Know How to Play the Long Game
Successful agents are no strangers to disappointment or rejection.
You read that right: any top agent worth their salt knows letdowns are a part of the process. And instead of looking at them as setbacks or failures, they instead seize them as opportunities.
Successful real estate agents know that key parts of their business like lead generation, conversion, and closing the deal are all a long game. They know success doesn’t come overnight. It’s the nature of the business, and they build rock-solid processes and best practices to approach this long game with grit and grace at the same time.
By viewing rejection as an opportunity to dig deeper, do better, and deliver stellar customer service, successful real estate agents stay the course with ease.
If you’re ready to show off your skills and experience as a top agent, log in to your RealEstateAgents.com account today to connect with your leads. You can also update your profile so any prospective clients can see your wins and what sets you apart.